Gun-O-Tronic (Ping-O-Tronic)
Gun-O-Tronic (Ping-O-Tronic) is an add-on for another game for the Ping-O-Tronic console released in 1975, it is the pong style game automatic so both sides have infinite height paddles for walls so one could properly play with the Gun-O-Tronic add-on, it could only be used with the PP-5 to PP-10 release of the Ping-O-Tronic console, the Gun-O-Tronic had a light sensor and upon lining up that light sensor with the ball would complete the game with the walls and paddles disappearing and the ball stopping where it's hit and increasing to about four times its size, the console produced clicking sounds for each bounce on the side paddles, each bounce on each paddle knocks the ball at a fair speed and slows as it reaches the other side, controls were that of pressing a single button to serve the ball and then using the Gun-O-Tronic to aim at the ball, the console could not process shooting the ball so upon collision with the light sensor and the ball the game ends.
-Technical Info-
Console Models played on - PP-5 to PP-10
-Technical Info-
Console Models played on - PP-5 to PP-10