About Us
What do we do, in short our site is a gaming resource dedicated to doing the things in gaming that nobody else does online as well as restoration of lesser known if not all gaming content, our biggest projects include the gaming archive which is archival of all gaming content to be freely viewed and accessed online for future generations, gaming records is another big one as the verification method for gaming records on most other sites isn't at a high enough standard to counteract cheaters that are really good at faking records, leave it to us, if they truly believe that those alleged records are indeed possible then they have to convince us first, with our method of verification of in-game physics they have to explain to us why we can't replicate some parts of their supposed skill and extra speed and such, something no other site does, apart from that we do many other things including restoration of old gaming artwork and recreation of older games that aren't available to play on a pc, and even if we can we'll do gaming collections to download complete collections and sets of gaming content if possible, we do all sorts of cool things and are totally interested in doing other gaming related things that don't exist online yet either, our team is really dedicated at providing the best quality of gaming content online, if you have a suggestion or request or wish to ask about something then feel free to contact one of our team or even the site president directly as we are totally happy to respond whenever possible.